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Join us!

Sit in on one of our meetings to see what we're all about


As a member in good standing you will receive:

  • A Membership Card that will admit you to all Guild meetings during the meeting season from September to June

  • Email notices of Club events and items of interest

  • Free use of the Doug Newlove Memorial Library

  • No-cost advertising privileges on the Market Place page of the website​


As a member, you are required to:

  • Abide by the safely policies of the host venue;

  • Commit to practice safety and use appropriate safety gear while participating in the Guild's activities;

  • Read and understand the Guild's Constitution and Bylaws;

  • Conduct yourself in accordance with the Guild's Constitution and Bylaws showing respect for your fellow members and the facilities;

  • Wear your nametag to all TWG meetings and TWG events.

The TWG offers two types of membership:

  • Individual Membership: $90.00 per year for the 2024/25 season

  • Family Membership: $135.00 per year (covers primary member and other persons over 16 years of age residing at the same address) 

First time visitors to the TWG will be offered FREE admission to ONE general meeting.

To become a member of the Guild, print and complete the Membership Application form and bring it (with your cash or cheque) to your next meeting. 

Annual Dues

Woodturning is a potentially dangerous activity.  Each member is responsible for their own safety.  The TWG stresses to its members the importance of applying safe methods in their own work and promoting safe practices to others.

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